Monday, August 8, 2011

No beginning, no ending...

This weeks GBE 2 assignment is a picture prompt write on the above lovely photograph! As usual, I am totally ill prepared and have not a clue where this is leading. So here we go gang! Enjoy the ride as my fingers do the typing!

The wedding ring, a circle that has no beginning, no is meant to stand for eternity. Two hearts joined together as one...standing by each other through the good times as well as the bad times. But life can  get complicated, one moment all seems well and the next...the legend of the ring isn't so firm standing anymore. Choices are made by one or both parties that can send the meaning of the wedding ring out into the abyss- sometimes whether we agree with that choice or not.

Maybe right now in life, one of you has a ring on and the other doesn't know where that ring is even located. Or maybe both rings are stored away safely with memories of a better time, or in some cases the memory is better left in the box (or the pawn shop) with the hurt from that time in life. Perhaps the rings are on a see-saw. One going up, the other down...not knowing if the rings will fall off the see-saw or maybe they will slide a little toward each other with time and find their way back to the finger they once were on.

In black and white terms what I'm saying here is that I believe in love. Love that can withstand the test of time, true love will have bumps and bruises, even a few war scars, but it deserves a chance to bloom full, be appreciated, protected and preserved. It deserves to  have a chance. So if you are at a crossroad, don't be afraid to take a stand for that set of rings if that is what your heart is telling you. Weather the storm and hold on tight, try to be patient. God works in His tiime, not ours.  Take the higher road and go down that crossroad with love, kindness and grace. And don't be too prideful to admit you're not perfect and you've made mistakes, and ask for forgiveness for yourself as well as the person wronged. It might not solve anything, but you'll be doing the right thing--for YOURSELF. You never know what might be around the next curve that life throws. No ending...that can also be known as faith and hope..and a deep belief in a crazy little thing called love..

I realize some of you will not agree with my take on this topic, and that is okay. All I ask is that no matter how painful it might be, try to keep your heart open. Most of the time, blessings pop into your life when you aren't looking or expecting them!  As always, remember you are important and you are loved. Have a good week my friends!


  1. As the rejected bachelor said last week, "Good things never end unless they end badly." I like your outlook. I like that you owe it to yourself, no one else, to give it everything you have to save what once was and could be again...
    Very nice take of the prompt and very well done. C-:

  2. Very well done my friend huge hugs n' big love to you as I have said "this to shall pass" ♥

  3. Wonderful write Tai! Pops loves you bunches!!

  4. You are so smart, Tai. Even more important, though, is that you have a huge, huge heart. I love you bunches.

  5. Jo-thank you for your kind words, Jul-I love you too my friend, Pops-what would I do without you in my corner? I don't want to find out. Beth...don't know about the smart but I thank you for the sweet words and I love you too. Love and hugs to each of you my friends.

  6. Lovely post, straight from your heart to your typing fingers :-)

  7. Nice post, Taina. Love hurts... isn't that a song? But yes, love can cause us more pain than just about any other experience in life. What you are so right to point out is that is can also bring us the greatest of joys and pleasures if we choose to weather the storms and learn how to strengthen that love.

  8. A lot of interesting points you make in your blog. It is a very well rounded opinion on marriage. Great job!
